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.Tags: Stallone, Truck Damme, Arnold, Stroll into a bar3864 points, 188 opinions....

He recognizes he's gon na get the Epsteined.

.Tags: Random3568 aspects, 279 reviews....

I think that will be actually perfect for Halloween.

.Tags: halloween, arbitrary, lol5116 aspects, 388 opinions....

Now listen quite meticulously DOcertainly not placed the candlestick back

.Tags: authorities, amusing, savage, sulky wit, wtf669 aspects, 149 opinions....


.Tags: comical, hol up1495 aspects, 153 opinions....

Let that penetrate

.Tags: vicious, national politics, wtf, comical, dark humor3871 aspects, 503 remarks....

I am actually moving out of the Wonderful British Caliphate within 2-3 months. Yay!

.Tags: pleased, balanced, uk, house6635 aspects, 372 comments....

Oh no

.Tags: wtf, humor, arbitrary, thailand, indonesia4921 factors, 220 comments....

The bronchis: i am actually worn out employer

.Tags: Wit, osha, heightens, not healthy9069 points, 471 comments....

Husky Along With An Italian Emphasis!?! What???

.Tags: strange, hol up4148 factors, 72 comments....

Phd in advertising.

.Tags: hilarious, mockery, meme6044 factors, 107 reviews....


.Tags: vicious, wtf, meme, politics2788 factors, 385 comments....

This is actually just how hill goats defend themselves coming from predators.

.Tags: damn thats interesting4357 aspects, 279 opinions....

Know the simple guidelines

.Tags: connection, funny, wtf, national politics, random8787 points, 595 reviews....

One final selfie

.Tags: install ruin, selfie, dumb scientist3044 aspects, 164 reviews....

They are actually eating the geese

.Tags: haiti, goose, cats6754 aspects, 616 comments....

Oh deer

.Tags: deer, sex3822 points, 243 reviews....

Video of the Titan fell down below currently discharged

.Tags: damn thats appealing, titan, sea, oops, random5194 factors, 359 opinions....


.Tags: lady, eastern, humor, meme, chad5924 aspects, 219 reviews....